/ Bro. Robert McKinstry PMI was initiated into Lodge St Thomas Kilwinning Dalmellington in 1986, following in the footsteps of my father. I have enjoyed 30+ years in freemasonry, having worked my way through all the Lodge offices, eventually sitting as Right Worshipful Master in 1996.
I enjoy the friendship and charitable aspects of freemasonry and thinks that it is a great organisation for improving your wellbeing. I have served the Lodge as secretary for 20+ years and have long family ties to the lodge going back 100 years. I am an honorary member of Lodge Wallace St Hugh 1212 Crosshill and I am active in other masonic orders beyond the craft.
- Occupation – Site Manager
- Why I joined freemasonry – Family tradition
- Favourite Degree(s) – 2nd fellow craft
- Favourite piece of ritual – Charge to the initiate
- Favourite Lodge events – Senior members burns supper and Sportsman’s Dinner
- Other hobbies – Caravanning