St Thomas (Kil) Dalmellington DISCOVER FREEMASONRY Welcome to No. 433
Lodge 433

Master's Welcome

Master - East

Welcome to the website of Lodge St Thomas Kilwinning Dalmellington 433. I hope that you will get pleasure from surfing through our new website. It will be updated regularly with our meeting dates and times. There will be routine news items regarding our work within the community together with any charitable events we are undertaking. 

On a lighter note, we are now starting to get a sense of normality back to our daily lives as our communities start to open back up for business. 



This past year and a half have provided Freemasons the opportunity to exercise our most fundamental principle of charity.

It is heart-warming to know how much of a major contributor Freemasonry is to our society. I would also like to congratulate Scotland’s Freemasons collectively, having donated well in excess of £1.3 million to Prostate Scotland.


Looking to the Future

Having been afforded the opportunity and privilege of becoming the Master of this, my adopted Lodge, it is my heartfelt determination to lead by example and ensure that Freemasonry in Dalmellington continues to flourish.

I look forward to meeting up with all the Brethren around the Province during my term as Right Worshipful Master. A warm welcome awaits all who wish to visit us in Dalmellington at our regular meetings and enjoy harmonies together.

We are happy to receive any inquiries about joining our organisation so please have a look around the rest of our website to see why you should consider joining us at Lodge St Thomas Kilwinning Dalmellington 433.

RWM 20232024, Brother Alexander Johnstone

Countdown to our

Next Event